As a part of Neighbor Express, Louisiana needed a way to connect available healthcare workers with hospitals. Within 24 hours of the ask, this page went live. Designing on a tight timeline, I had to prioritize the work to be done. To learn more, read below.
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Priorities: A hero image to make the page feel modern, a large Call to Action button, and an incredibly easy Frequently Asked Questions section were at the top of my list.
Often times, government pages feel outdated leaving the user questioning if the information is accurate, so a hero image overlaid with a modern Open Sans font was used. For the Call to Action button, we needed to emphasize that applying was for healthcare workers and not any visitor of the website. With everyone helping with COVID-19, we needed to establish the correct audience immediately. Finally, instead of long blocks of FAQ text, I created a simple dropdown so the user could see all the questions. Many times long walls of text prevents the user from seeing important questions towards the bottom.
Built by a team of volunteers, Neighbor Express is a platform for government entities that connects at-risk residents with essential services including meals, groceries, and ad-hoc deliveries during COVID-19. 
Neighbor Express is a project of the U.S. Digital Response (USDR), a 3,000-plus volunteer-run, non-partisan effort to help federal, state, and local governments meet the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. Like the USDR, Neighbor Express provides free assistance.
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